Taunton Laptop & PC Repairs
Here you can find a wide range of our services and see how we will be able to help you.
Laptop Repairs
Broken Screens
Broken Keyboards & Touchpads
Damaged internals
Liquid Damages
Virus Removal
System Cleanups
Operating System Installs
Data Retrieval
Desktop Repairs
Virus Infections
Booting issues
Hardware Upgrades
System Cleanups
Operating System Installs
Data Retrieval
If you are thinking about upgrading to a newer/new Laptop or PC then we are able to help.
We have a range of refurbished or new units normally available.
We can also part-ex your old machine depending upon age and condition.
Overheating Repairs
If you are having Overheating problems or your Laptop/PC is cutting out, you should stop using it straight away to avoid permanent damage.
The components are very delicate and must not get too hot.
To fix this we completely strip your unit down, remove the fan and cooler, then reassemble using new thermal paste to help dispurse heat better in the future.
Data Retrieval
The data contained on your laptop or computer is very valuable these days.
To lose this information can be a true nightmare for anyone.
If you continue using your computer after losing data, you may start overwriting the important information, it is essential that you stop using the computer and call us to discuss on how we can help you.
Screen Repairs
If you have any type of screen issue/damage we can get this replaced swiftly. Please call us to check availability as there are many different sizes and types of screens available.
If we have the screen in stock, this is usually a same day repair service.